Saturday, 11 June 2011

Gypsy Roma Traveller History Month

Have you heard of Travellers Got Talent?

No? Well, June is Gypsy Roma Traveller History Month. It began three or four years ago. Various events displaying and exploring the culture and traditions of Gypsies, Travellers and Roma take place around the country. It is hoped that the general public will be interested, curious and intrigued enough to go to these events. From my experience it is quite a rare thing for this often secretive community to reach out to the wider public. If Big Fat Gypsy Weddings can attract nearly 9 m viewers, and Appleby Fair now attracting hoards of onlookers, then there should be people queuing up for events. This is the real thing and they are usually free of charge.

Sadly, it would seem that funding cuts have curtailed some plans for this year, as you can see from the limited information available on Events relate only to last year. However, the good news is that Travellers Got Talent is there! 'A Gypsy Life for Me' 'an 8 hour series' will be broadcast on Sky TV based on the footage. More about this on Travellers Times:

If you find an event going on in your area - keep your eye out - then do let me know. I will then put it here on my blog.

GRTHM London seems to be flourishing Even I am on there tucked away in Resources - Publications

So - I hope to hear about anything you hear about where you live!
via Twitter @MiriamWakerly or leave a comment right here.