Thursday, 26 September 2013

Surrey Gypsy Traveller Communities Forum

It is bit of a mouthful, isn't it? But it does say exactly what it is. If you are interested in Gypsy issues but, like me, decided that the meeting in London would be an expensive trip unless you are funded by an organisation, then another October meeting may be for you. For some years now I have attended the Surrey Gypsy Traveller Communities Forum when I can, as an observer.
These meetings provide an excellent opportunity to gain an up to date understanding first-hand of what is going on, not just on the big, overwhelming issue of site provision.  As described on a flyer, the forum is ‘a public meeting for individuals, agencies, charities and voluntary groups to meet informally with members of the Surrey Gypsy Traveller Community.’ I have heard heart-breaking accounts from mothers of hardships endured by the Gypsy and Travellers communities, and frustrations of fathers who battle with the authorities to find a place for their family to live; as well as how the various agencies deal with difficult situations.

This meeting is covering the new regulations brought in under the Scrap Metal Act 2013. No doubt there will be divided opinions on this. Scandalous and scurrilous dealings in the industry must be curbed, but you can imagine how someone whose literacy skills are weak would feel when confronted with the bureaucracy here:  Scrap Metal Act 2013
Other perennial issues will also be debated – education, health, planning etc.

This meeting is free, open to members of the public, held at 10.00 am on Tuesday, 22 October 2013 at the Runnymede Civic Centre, Station Road, Addlestone, Surrey KT15 2AH (parking at Garfield Road car park).
By the way, as you’re here you may like to see a couple of lovely reviews that came about recently. A lady found me on Twitter and my books on Amazon, or perhaps the other way round.  Thank you JennCarol aka @JennyGaluschka on Twitter

'Art as an agent of social change' – a review of Gypsies Stop tHere!/2013/09/art-as-agent-of-social-change.html

'Who do you believe you are?' – a review of No Gypsies Served

Perhaps I shall see you at the Forum meeting on 22 October!