Friday, 22 May 2015

'So You Want to Write a Novel?'

The second workshop mentioned below in red was also a rewarding and enjoyable experience. I shall be doing another workshop on the same theme at the WestEndCentre, Aldershot, a really cool arts venue, in the evening on 16 November. Take a look:

My first writing workshop ‘So You Want to Write a Novel?’ was at Camberley Theatre last night and went well. 
To be back to ‘normal’ is wonderful, and fulfilling something I was invited to do last year is a special landmark for me. An enthusiastic bunch of people came along and we had a thoroughly enjoyable evening. I can say that because everyone agreed as much at the end and wanted more! The range of writing experience spanned the full spectrum, from people who had written books already – one self-published children’s author; and another with 15 non-fiction books to her name; to those who had never written anything creative before but fancied the idea of having a go.
A year ago I had just produced my second grandchild! I was also in the middle of a course of aggressive chemo, following a major operation, all this prior to the second big operation in July. The ghostly memory seems like a lifetime ago and, forgive the play with words, but it never seemed to me as a time when life was uncertain.
The photos here capture a moment when my lovely 'class' were in deep concentration, heads down, writing – lost in thought. There were lighter moments, rest assured and much laughter.
Some comments at the end:
‘Hugely useful – time passed very quickly, an engaging lecturer.’ (I'm flattered!)

‘A very interesting and helpful course.’

‘A very interesting workshop that made me think about what is really involved in writing.’
 ‘Really enjoyed workshop, size of group was just right. Was managed for all levels. Would like to attend any further courses and understand later about publishing.’
‘Loved this – would like even more interactive activities please.’
Many thanks to everyone and to Camberley Theatre for providing the room and publicity.
Another workshop is planned for the morning of 16 June. Looking forward to this already.
My books are on display in Camberley's Waterstones, by the way, so a friend tells me, and of course available on Amazon.


  1. You may like this fb site. We are both on the page.

    1. Well, what a puzzle. I have joined the Old Tetbury group now, but I wonder who you are!!

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